Yarn spinning for anti-hail nets

From the material raw to the end product

Our set of machines used for the transformation of the material raw into yarns (monofilaments) and afterwards into nets consists of 4 lines of extrusion, each of a length of 80 m.

The complexity of the different levels of transformation engages our personnel in a careful control 24/24 h, since it is a process, which must be continuous and without any sort of interruptions.

The main prerogative is always to conform our production lines to the latest technological updates, both for mechanics and electronics, with the aim to obtain always the best performances.

In order to achieve these results, each line is equipped and programmed to produce always the same item, with the evident advantage of keeping a constant level of high quality both during the production at determined hours, and at finished cycle (time of the cycle 12 hours).

The person in charge of each shift checks every characteristic, verifying the conformity to the official normative “UNI_PLAST”.

Our long-time experience allows us to develop specific interventions, obtaining extremely performing results.